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Everything is energy and that's all there is to it. Match the frequency of the reality you want and you cannot help but get that reality. It can be no other way. "

Katherine Gregg
Accredited Psychotherapist and Life Coach

‘Like attracts like’ whether you see this as a spiritual thing or just basic physics.  Whatever perspective you may have, there are some fundamental principles that just exist, regardless of whether we choose to acknowledge them or not, like night and day or gravity.  It’s going to be far more helpful to our own individual existence that we do acknowledge this, therefore we can use the laws of the universe to our advantage, to live more intentionally instead of by default like most of us do.

We live in a world that’s challenging and that doesn’t teach us how to access our full potential as human beings or how to work in conjunction with the world, the universe, that we do reside in.

The Law of Attraction is probably the most well know law of the universe and these days seems to have been branded a mystical concept.

“‘Manifest’ the life you want” is a common phrase most Law of Attraction coaches say…

It’s true, we are the creators of our reality, but the Law of Attraction itself is one of many universal principles that when understood and practiced, become one thing, one way of being, one practice, then and only then, will you really master the great Law of Attraction.

The Law of Attraction is the component of the Universal Laws that delivers, like a magnet that quite literally means we will always experience a match to what we are on some level, even unconsciously.

So if I desire a loving relationship, yet somewhere within me (conscious or unconscious) I don’t believe I’m good enough or deserving, my relationship will match my core belief.  LIKE ATTRACTS LIKE!

Knowing and using the Universal Laws will not only help you to understand yourself on a deeper level but also help you to live a more intentionally fulfilling life.

These laws are like a gift, a natural navigation system built within us and our connection to the universe, which is there, we only have to look up to see it.


I acknowledge that the world we live in doesn’t embrace us as human beings or allow us to live to our full potential.  It’s a humbling experience to work with my clients, to teach the Universal Laws, the essential ingredient to being human and reaching that place of ‘self-mastery’. My approach is a combination of Psychotherapy and Life Coaching, which means I have the tools to help you establish what you would like to achieve.

We are not just one thing, we are mind, body and soul and to make significant change we really need to work with ourselves in that holistic way.

Whatever your personal beliefs are around that area of your life, I can work with you to help you to understand where they come from. Facilitating you with tools to change your limiting beliefs to match the life you would like to be living.

I will teach you the Universal Laws and how to use them in your everyday life as the guidance tool they are meant to be.

Katherine Gregg Accredited Psychotherapist and Life Coach

-what my clients say-


Wherever you are in your personal development journey and whatever has brought you here, I hope to cover all aspects of what Universal Laws Therapeutic Coaching means and how you can use it to deliberately enhance your life.

Whatever aspect of your life you may wish to change, whether it be your relationships with others, your career, money, your home; perhaps all of the above.  My coaching packages will be designed to cater for your specific needs, as we are all at different stages of our life journey, therefore will require different things from Universal Laws Therapeutic Coaching.

If you are new to the Universal Laws and the Law of Attraction, you can hear a breakdown of these principles by listening to my podcasts. Just follow the link to the Univesal Laws page.

The Universal Laws coincide with the most famous and powerful law of the universe, The Law of Attraction.  Knowing and understanding all the laws of the universe will help you to master your practice of the Law of Attraction.