·  07940 298 809

Katherine Gregg an Accredited Psychotherapist and Life Coach
Katherine Gregg an Accredited Psychotherapist and Life Coach
Katherine Gregg Therapeutic Coaching
Katherine Gregg Therapeutic Coaching
Katherine Gregg Growth Coach and Facilitator
Katherine Gregg Growth Coach and Facilitator
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Wherever you are in your personal development journey and whatever has brought you here, I hope to cover all aspects of what Law of Attraction Therapeutic Coaching means and how it can help to transcend your life into one of abundance.

Whatever aspect of your life you may wish to change, whether it be your relationships with others, your career, money, your home; perhaps all of the above.  My bespoke coaching packages will be designed to cater for your specific needs, as we are all at different stages of our life journey and therefore will require different things from therapeutic coaching.

If you are new to the Law of Attraction I will explain the universal laws throughout this website in more detail, but to simplify it for now, it means we attract into our lives a match to the vibrational energy we give off.  For example, if I hold positive beliefs about myself, I will attract into my life a reflection of the energy vibration that those beliefs hold.  If I hold negative beliefs and perceptions, I will also attract a vibrational energy match to my negative beliefs, meaning my life will mirror my energy vibration.

Frequently Asked Questions

*A deposit is required to secure your space and payment plan options are available…

I find the facilitation of growth in others a wonderful and hunting experience. I believe that we are all a work in progress and the we co-create and grow through our interaction with others.